So this is the story begins...
Monday, June 30, 2008
Yo ho ho
So this is the story begins...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Its BeeN A WeeK...
Yooo Made Of HoNour.. Another so and so stOry...
Just Be True To Ur Self... And DonT Be So LAte.. or It Will Be Too Late..
yooo.. TOnIgHt My FreN N i Will TakINg TraIn To KedAh..
And It BoUt 12 Hour In The TrAin..
WaH.. Wat Am i GoInG tO Do for 12 Hours...?
Go To KedAh To AtteNd my FreN WaLimAtULUruS..TIaNg...
One More SEttLe Down ANd MAny More To Go...
Nanti Wa TepeK Gmbar UntUk Lu Org...( mCm RamAi Je Yg Tgk BlOG AKu NIh)
DoaKan KiteORg SeLAmAt Pegi, SemAsa Kat sAne, n BalIK CinI...
Friday, June 20, 2008
SoMeThInG InCreDiBle is HAppEnIng..
ho ho ho... Best Mysterious Story. The Happening... so Scary when they claim one day all plant in the world will counter what human being have done(destruction and war) to the planet,it happen when the plant release some kind of toxic that make people get killed themselves and nothing can stop it unless u were not breathing.. Scary when people start to jump from 20 stories building just like that.. stab and hand themselves.. ram toward the tree.... erghhh...... Huge applause to M . Night Shyamalan..
baru nak tgk citer nih walaupun dah lame kuar heuheuhe...
yo ho ho .. lupe another great story... huheuhe.... typical incredible hulk nothing new from the last one... but the great muvee were ripped by Iron Man a.k.a tony stark appearance at the end of the story... warghh so frustrated..
baru tgk wlupun dah lame kuar jugak..
nntikan kedatangan cerita captain america and thor and anohter appearance from Iron Man a.k.a tony stark in both muve...
Monday, June 16, 2008
PenAmbAhAn BilAngAn..
Friday, June 13, 2008
KenAlI DirI
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Kami susuri lembaran sirahmu
Pahit getir perjuanganmu
Membawa cahaya kebenaran
Engkau taburkan pengorbananmu
Untuk umat mu yang tercinta
Biar terpaksa tempuh derita
Cekalnya hatimu menempuh ranjaunya
Tak terjangkau tinggi pekertimu
Tidak tergambar indahnya akhlak mu
Tidak terbalas segala jasa mu
Sesungguhnya engkau rasul mulia
Tabahnya hatimu menempuh dugaan
Mengajar erti kesabaran
Menjulang panji kemenangan
Terukir nama mu di dalam Al Quran
Rasulullah kami ummatmu
Walau tak pernah melihat wajah mu
Kami cuba mengingatimu
Dan kami cuba mengamalsunnah mu
Kami sambung perjuanganmu
Walau kita tak pernah bersua
Tapi kami tak pernah kecewa
Allah dan rasul sebagai pembela
Sob Sob... Ya RaSulUllah SunGgUh BesAr PengORbAnAn Mu UntUk UmAt Mu...
CuKuP KaH AmAl Ku INi UntUk MeNErUSkAn PErjUAngAn Mu?
AdAkAh DIrI Ini MAsIh DI BeLEnGU DgN HaSutAn SyAItAn Di DuNIa...?
MaLAs Nyer Nk PK PASaL .. MAkIn BNyK DoSe Yg Kite BUAt DENgaN meMaKi HAMun OrG Yg TerTEntU..SeMakIn KitE MenCArI MAKlUmAt SeMAkin BnyK Yg KitE tAk Tau.. DgN berBEkaLKan MakLUmat SePerTi MakLUmat TuH BtOl... TaPI MAklUMAt Tuh Pun Tak Tau seJaUh MAne KesAHiHan NyEr.... DgN PerBelNajAan Yg Di JimATkaN DikAtekan UntUk RakYat UntUk PeMBAngUnaN..? TapI RakYAt Tak rASe Pun.. StIll De Gak MAsih di bAwaH pArAS TAhAp KeMiskiNan TegAr...
DgN HarApaN Dan Doa KepADa AllAh.. SupAya RakYAt Tak Di TIpu DAn MArUah NEgara Dan BangSa Tak TergAdaI Dgn Sifat TamAk HAloba ManuSia Di DunIa Ini...Dgn HArApan SetIap Di MalaySia Atau Di Dunia MecApAi KehArmoNian BerSamA...
Owh Yee AmaLan yg AmaT Di SuKAi IslAM: PerkahWinan: FahRul ngan KhadijAh anIm.. TahNiah SekALi lAgIk di atas PerkAhWinAn MemAsIng....... nnti Wa TepEk GamBAr.....
Thursday, June 5, 2008
ErM.. SeKilAs PandAng..
SuMe MAnuSIa Pun NakkAn kUAse Dan PAngKAt.. dGn AlASaN SupAyA ANak2 dIeoRg TAk RaSe HiDup SusaH MCm Die DuLu..... adoi laa tapi AnAk Org Len PlAk JAdi SuSAh...
ErM.. CamNe Lah nK ubAh Sifat TamAk ManuSiA...
List List Of Oil
NaiK LAgI Dan LAgI...
Ho Ho Ho... ThiS DeCisIon GeT ReACtIon FrOm the PeOple yesTerday wItH All NatiOn Wide Gas StatIons WeRe FulL And JamMEd frOm 6pm With CAr to Buy FueL BeFore 12 O'clock MidNIgHT.AnD Some Of The Gas StatIOns AlReAdY Run Out Of GAs. Well Still MalAySia Is The LowesT AmoNg NeigHBorIng CouNytry SucH As SingApore And ThAilAnd WhiCh CoUntry NeveR ProDUce OIL.(TrIpLe yey!!) We ProDuce And HAve OiL ReSources But WE PAyIng Like Country That Not ProdUce Oil.. (Forth Yey!!)
AdoI laa NampK Nyer kenA lAa BeLI besKal BAwaK G i LAb PAsNih.. Mane laa AgAk Nyer MinYak PetRonAs.. Nak Tau Tapi Tak TAu NAk Tnya KAt SaPe.... NamPAk Nyer Mmg BtOl BtOl KeNA MAkAn UbI KAyu MAsaK kIcAp lAa LepAs Nih..
Ho ho ho... tak SABAr PlaK RAse Nak tgU ChAin ReACtIon tO IncreAce PriCe On OtHer ThINgS.... (Yey!! Yey!! Yey!! Yey!! Yey!!)
PeoPle ReAseArch On BIoFueL.. Go Go Go RaPid Ur ReSearCh... And ProDuce BiOFuEl ThaT Can Be CoMmerCiAllize To BaLanCe Fuel....
The Changes
Price increase
Petrol – RM0.78/litre
Diesel – RM1/litre
Commercial and industrial – 26%
Retailers and small restaurant operators – 18% (for first 200kWh per month)
Residential – new pricing structure for users above 200kWh per month
Prices effective today (per litre)
Petrol – RM2.70 (previously RM1.92)
Diesel – RM2.58 (previously RM1.58)
> RM625 per year
For private vehicle with engine capacity of 2000cc and below, including private pickup trucks and jeeps with engine capacity of 2500cc and below.
> RM150 per year
For each private motorcycle with engine capacity of 250cc and below
> RM200 reduction on road tax
For private petrol and diesel vehicles with engine capacity above 2000cc
> RM50 reduction on road tax
For private motorcycles with engine capacity above 250cc
Streamlined diesel subsidy
(for approved transportation companies, vessel owners and fishermen)
> Diesel – RM1.43 per litre (previously RM1 per litre for fishermen and RM1.20 per litre for vessel owners)
> RM200 per month for every owner and employee of Malaysian-owned vessels registered with the Fisheries Department
> 10sen per kilo incentive for every kilogram of fish caught by registered vessels
> 10sen per litre for every litre of diesel used by river transportation operators according to approved quota
Gas subsidies restructure
(for Peninsular Malaysia)
> For power producers – from RM6.40 per mmBtu to RM14.31 per mmBtu
> For industrial users (consuming less than 2mmscfd) – from RM9.40 per mmBtu to RM24.54 per mmBtu
> For industrial users (consuming above 2mmscfd) – from RM11.32 per mmBtu to RM32.56 per mmBtu
Electricity tariff restructure
> Households using 200kWh and below every month will not be affected. This covers 59% of households in Peninsular Malaysia with a monthly bill under RM43.60.
> Commercial and industrial users face 26% increase. Small retail and business outlets consuming under 200kWh per month face 18% increase.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and
Natural Gas for Vehicle (NGV)
> No change. Prices remain at RM1.75 per kg (LPG) and RM0.635 per litre (NGV)
Oil palm windfall tax
> For Peninsular Malaysia 15% for every tonne of CPO exceeding RM2,000
> Sabah and Sarawak 7.5% for every tonne of CPO exceeding RM2,000 > Abolition of cess tax
Service tax threshold for restaurants and eateries
> Service tax now for restaurants with annual sales of RM3mil (previously RM500,000)
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Yo Ho Ho KaWeN....
Well Like The ToPiC SaID ... KAwInn... ehhee.. BuLAn Nih .. SkANg Nih RaMai MeMemBe KAweN...Anim (Tak DapAt Gi), FahRul ( Dah Gi Tadi), TiAng. akN DatAng (InsyaAllah PegI..)
so to ANim.. SelAmat PengAntIn BAru... To FahRul JugAk SeLAmat PengAntIn BArU...
tAdI MAse Gi PerjALAN Ke RumAh FahREul ( heuheu McAm JAUh) eh bukan ruMah FaHRul.. RuMAh ISterI die. RumAh FahRul MingGu DepAn.. InsyaAllah Pegi Jugak.... TapI SiaP Leh SesAt Jugak Masukl JlaN MAti Plak... kena PAtAH bAlIk.. Dah Laa RaMAi yg MenGikUt KAt BelAkng.. heuheuhe... PAsTuH SmaPi... MakAn mKAN PAstUh BAlIk.. mAKaN lAuk Yg SedAp DaGing Die..GadiNg MsaK Pe Tah... tAPi SedAp..
TePek SiKit GMabAr Nih...