Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nice JoB....

Tracking the system: Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Samad arriving at the Express Rail Link station in Putrajaya yesterday, the second day he was trying public transport from his home in Jalan Tunku in Kuala Lumpur to his office in Putrajaya. His verdict after two days? “It’s not so convenient since there is no bus connection from my house to KL Sentral to take the ERL to Putrajaya. My wife has to send me to KL Sentral and my driver picks me up in Putrajaya. He will be bringing the matter up in the Cabinet today. Shahrir is a frequent user of ERL to KLIA.

CilOk dari : The Star

Yeps.. tahniah and well done laah ... GunA ErL Sumer Bgs Bgs RAse kepAhItAn RakYAt..... Baru die TaU Tak ConVenient laa plak... Cuba die Nek Bus Plak... Tgk Ape yg Rakyat Nih RAse NGan SisteM Bus Yg Sgt TakBest KAt mesia Nieh Plak...PAstUh Wat kiRe Kire perbelnajaAn DgN Gaji NormAl Jgn laa Dgn Gaji Die Yg RibAn riBAn..


ayong afzan said...

huh...aku suka sangat post ni... meh la semua yang kat 'atas' tu sama-sama rasa apa yang rakyat rasa. ajak isteri, anak-beranak dan cucu-cucu pun sama-sama merasa hujan ribut panas terik rakyat kat luar ni. baru la kerajaan prihatin namanya. baru la tau jimat cermat ke tak (emo sat!)

zaihana said...

haha..patut diorang ni sume blaja ngan presiden iran mhmoud ahmadinejad, humble and soo low profile even jadik presiden negara yang digeruni amerika..hahaha..(mcm gelak giler kuasa plak)

arip said...

btol...yg tinggi tinggi tuh kena rase camneee rase nyer.. pastuh bile kat putrajaya tuh try nek bus plak...dgn ramai n sesak n setahun tak sekali bas datang...