Sunday, March 14, 2010

SumTiN To POnDer..

WeLl More LikelY For Me To POnDer My Self... keke

aDAkaH aKU SeBenArNYer aDaLaH aPE yG aKU SaNgkAkAn...

ErM erM...StIll TrYiNg To FiguRe Out.. EveN 20 YeArS HAve PassEd..

SiGh... Is EveN DeeP ThAn I Can ImAgIne.. hUh....

~MuMbLinG~MumBliNg~ MumBliNg..


meanie mean said...

20 years???!!!! urmmm

arip said...

yelaa aku da start boleh berpikir secara waras... keke... sblm tuh pk nak main je...

da 20thn.. still can figure out about mee.. keke.. strange... said...

todin, teringat aku pada kate2 ini "life is begin at 40"..ermm..

arip said...

waaa serius ke piss? now i know....

who ever died at 39.. that means they never start a life.. kui kui kui.. poor them..

hah owh now.. if we not achieve 40.. thenn....?aaaa

fieza said...

todin.. masih belum terlewat selagi masih bernyawa.. go todin go..